20 June Sofia slept the whole night through – without any wake-ups! That is… She was whinging a bit once during the night, but it didn’t last long and it was after coughing for awhile… Sofia woke up just before 7am! I was... Read more
19 June Sofia ended up waking up crying 4-5 times last night. Every time I gave her a nice long cuddle and even though she wanted me to stay she didn’t cry when I left. Mike left early again. Sofia got up just before 7am. We had brekky and... Read more
18 June Sofia woke me up at about 6.30am. She was so happy to see me. We had a nice big cuddle and she ended up falling asleep on me and sleeping till almost 8am! Mike got up a bit before that when the tree guy came… but he took off again... Read more
17 June I got up at 6.30am and Sofia was still asleep so I got ready… she was still sleeping so at 7am I woke her up – very gently… She woke up with a big smile and had lots to say. I told her she was great for only having one... Read more
16 June Sofia woke up at 7am. Mike got her and we had a family cuddle in bed with a brekky bag for Sofia. Then I got up and made brekky for us whilst Mike went to work. Sofia and I played for awhile before she wanted to watch something. I put on... Read more
15 June Sofia woke up again at 5.45am. Mike was about to leave. I got her and Mike got to say goodbye. Then all the little girl wanted to do was cuddle on the couch and watch Peppa pig. We did for a bit before I made brekky. After brekky we took... Read more
14 June Sofia woke me up crying at 6.30am. I got her and she just leapt into my arms and stayed put… I sat down on the couch with her and within 2minutes she was asleep! She ended up sleeping for long and I had to wake her up at 8am!!! Mik... Read more
Sofia woke up at 6.15am. Mike put on a YouTube clip so we got a bit more time. Then I got up and made brekky. After we all had brekky Mike took Pablo for a walk whilst Sofia and I played. When they got back Mike took over so I could get ready. M... Read more
Sofia woke up at about 6.15am. Mike got her and after watching some Peppa pig in bed he made brekky for all of us. Afterwards we all went for a walk. It started raining on the way back so we wrapped up the little one and ran home… At home... Read more
Sofia woke up at 6.15am and I went in to get her. I told her how proud of was of her for spending the whole night in her own bed and then we played for a bit. I started making brekky at 7am, but remembered Mike had told me the ‘garden boys... Read more
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