Sofia woke up at 3am and then again at 6.50am. We decided to get rugged up (was a little cold, about 17 degrees) and go for a family morning walk on the beach. Many people and many dogs on t... Read more
Sofia woke up at 1am, 3am and 6am! She actually fed well all three times, so I was thinking maybe it’s a growth spurt… but strange because she hasn’t woken up like that sin... Read more
Sofia woke up crying(!) at 3am. Picking her up only seemed to help for a little bit, then it was proper crying again. I managed to settle her somewhat, but she kept whinging/ soft crying. Lu... Read more
Sofia woke up again at 2.30am and then at 6am. She seems to be having nightmares lately – I don’t like it. Can’t really do much though as it’s only a short whinge in... Read more
Sofia was whinging a bit in her sleep again and when she was awake and seeming to have difficulties falling asleep again at 2 am I went in. I had a terrible night sleep. Every time Mike move... Read more
Sofia kept giving out little whinges in her sleep every 30min or so from 2am till 5am, then she was awake and whinging softly so I went in to give her a feed and settle her back to sleep. I... Read more
Sofia woke up at 6am… so I fed her and read to her. She goes through pretty much all the books (7) every morning – she loves her morning cuddle / story time – and so do I :... Read more
Sofia woke up at 6.30 – 6.45 and I thought great time for her 9am nap. I went for a long walk/ run with Pablo on the dog beach. He kind of just exploded into running and jumping around... Read more
Sofia woke me up at 6.45am, so she did very well. Mike went to work. After her brekky we read books, as we so often do in the morning these days. I really have to get to the library again an... Read more
Sofia woke me up at a few times between 4am and 5am with some grizzling. At she was definitely awake, so I got her and put her in bed with me – thinking she’d have a feed and go... Read more
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